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Welcome to K's Web - home of the Kingstonian archives
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K's Web Survey Results 1998/1999

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Questions 1-8

Questions 9-15

Some (slightly) interesting things:
Everybody reads Gossip and News.

Fanzine editors are the only ones who don't read the match reports.

Three people found the site through "other" means. Spooky.

One third of the people who visit chat don't leave messages.

73% of people don't use the away travel page. That might explain the low away attendances then...

One person (who said that he supported "my old grandmother") said that chat was boring.

The main thing to come from the 'comments' section was the fact that people want Player Pen Pics. We'll do our best. Watch this space etc.

Finally, 74% of people said that the site is excellent.